Saturday 8 July 2023


One may also ask how important is it to teach chemistry without resorting to drawings? The teaching of complex subjects can better be understood and assimilated using visual aids - diagrams, charts and infographics.

So the atoms we learned to draw and appreciate at school are nothing like what a real atom looks like.

Metaphysics, philosophy and theology are also incredibly complex subjects - so they too are better learned and understood through the use of images, icons, diagrams and symbology.

Even mathematical equations and language are symbols used to express abstract and subtle ideas.

Does the use of symbology diminish or detract from the value of chemistry and physics? Does chemistry object to its being objectified in order to be understood and integrated into our lives?

So likewise - does the use of imagery, iconography and symbology diminish the Absolute and would IT take offence to us objectifying and personifying IT for our own understanding and integration?

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