Saturday 24 October 2015


  mantras from Jason Gracia



As we thread on a path to being successful, we don’t realize here's a journey that can make or break you. Too much success, very often is known to make people cocky and arrogant. Failure helps you realize who you are and provides the stepping stone to a lot of future endeavors.

Here are 10 reasons why it’s better to fail at times:

1. Encourages Lateral Thinking
As we all make mistakes it makes great sense to learn from these and look for other possible ways to resolve our situation. Failure encourages us to look for other solutions that we ordinarily would not have thought about had things been somewhat easier.

2. Adds To Your Experience
Failure makes us aware of what needs to be done in order to achieve our objectives. The struggles make success sweet. If we had succeeded immediately without tasting the disappointment associated with failure, we might have not been eager to look out for other opportunities.

3. Builds Character
When you fail, you can do two things; either you throw retreat into your shell or you can learn from the experience. The latter will help you gain confidence, build character and become more the person that you ideally wish to be.

4. Failure Encourages the Strong and Discourages the Weak!
If your determination, will, desire and hunger to succeed are as big as you think then you will consider failure along the path as simple detour. Sometimes it might be hard if you are constantly plagued by failure, but just remember learn as you go, do not repeat the same errors again. This will add to your experience and give you a strong will-power.

5. Makes You Honest with Yourself
Most often failure makes you justify what you do. If you are not able to justify what you are doing, may be you need to rethink what you are doing. You know what you want, so do everything you have to go get it.

6. Makes One More Intangible and Thick-Skinned
Ask yourself do you have what it takes? If you are one of those who easily melt under pressure then you'll probably give up, but as things become clearer with your experience then nothing can touch you. You will begin to develop power from within! All the stuff you cop on the way you'll shake off and become a better person for it.

Becoming thick-skinned is really a by-product of character building with a bit more; it shows the development of the individual and reflects the change in attitude that brings the best.

7. Succeeding Too Quickly May Blind One's Potential
Those who worked hard for a start then followed this up by working smarter to get where they are at today will have a much higher chance of succeeding in the long term than someone who made a couple of right decisions early on but didn't develop due to a lack of exposure to other possible problems etc.

This doesn’t we should all struggle to make a success of what we're doing, but generally speaking those who have had problems, learned from them and have a better chance of developing further simply due to their exposure and experience.

8. Failure Encourages Improvement and Planning
Failing is one thing, but making the same futile mistake repetitively is just plain ridiculous. If this is what’s happening to you, then it probably makes good sense to sit down and re-analyze your approach. Sure it's possible to do this when you've succeeded as well to look when looking to the next task and goal but there's a sense of urgency about this when things aren't going to plan.

9. Failure Reveals Your Weaknesses
Are you someone who passes on all the stuff you don't do very well or would you rather stick at it, making a few errors along the way to eventually master the art? Use failure as a tool to strengthen those areas that are letting you down.

10. Success is the Attitude; Failure is the Lever
Develop a successful attitude and let failure lever and assist you with its strength and power of learning and understanding. Do not allow failure to absorb and destroy your spirit. Gain strength from knowing your desired outcome is one step closer.

There opportunities in abundance, don't take the easy way out and let yourself down because you failed a few times. Remember the saying, ‘Failure is the stepping stone to success.’

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