Monday 29 January 2024




First you need to let go of stress.


- Reduces stress

- Helps manage anxiety

- Enhances mindfulness 10 minutes is all you need.

2.Visualize success

Close your eyes. Imagine you crushing your goals. You making that beautiful girl blush. You making the group laugh. You becoming that man.

Think it. Feel it.

3.Recall positive past experiences

Think back to the past. When has socialising gone well? When have you made yourself proud? If you’ve done it once, you can do it again. You need to ignite that spark into a flame.

4.Create powerful beliefs

You are capable. You are unstoppable. If they can do it, you can too. Force these beliefs into your mind. Humans are 70% water and your thoughts/feelings directly affect this water. Brainwash yourself with success.


We have reset and reprogrammed your brain. Now you just need to reaffirm your beliefs.

How? Go to that meetup, Talk to those people, Approach that girl. Do what scares you.

Do what excites you. That’s the nail in the coffin of your social anxiety

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