Saturday 3 February 2024


What is the most amazing or shocking thing you know that most people don't?
  • Pythagoras drowned a student to death because the student proved the existence of irrational numbers which contradicted Pythagoras and his cult's beliefs.
  • Ancient Romans would put sandals on the hands of sleeping people then tickle their face so they would slap themselves.
  • A guy died from asphyxiation eating a pear. The pear tree was put on trial, found guilty of murder, and destroyed.
  • In ancient Egypt, servants were smeared with honey to attract flies away from the pharaoh.
  • The shortest war occurred between Zanzibar and the British empire, lasting around 45 minutes.
  • Hitler, Stalin, Trotsky, Freud, and Tito were all living in the same area of Vienna in 1913.
  • In 1895, the entire state of Ohio had only 2 cars. Both cars still managed to smash into each other.

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