Thursday 4 June 2015


 Unlock Your Brain Potential Fully

It has been said that we humans only utilize 10% of our brain. If that is the case what is happening to the other 90%? The other 90% is just lying dormant or is in a deep sleep. Inner awakening is a possibility for each and every one of us if we know the secret.

The brain itself is not your mind. The brain is the “blueprint” for your mind. The sun is the consciousness, the reflection is the mind and the mirror is your brain. By awakening the non-mechanical parts of the brain we create a clean mirror which purifies the reflection and becomes more true to the consciousness. When there is debris or dust on the mirror the reflection cannot be true to the sun (consciousness). Making your mind true to the consciousness is enlightenment.

We are taught from a young age that our brain is just a PC operating without internet connection functioning only on a confined premises.

We have the ability to utilize our brain like a computer and download anything we want with high speed internet. By nature we have the cosmic connection. The misconception starts when we think our PC (brain) is limited to just processing the information that is fed inside. We all have a balance point where we can access the internet connection and that is the place where the eyes and ears meet. This is our sixth sense which is the internet connection. There is no security or no firewall hindering our search, we can access anything we want with this high speed connection.

We are all born with an innate intelligence. When we have the experience of accessing our sixth sense it awakens our kundalini which becomes permanent in our bio memory and creates tremendous courage in us. It’s like having a laptop with unlimited wireless internet access!

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