Friday 23 June 2023


“I almost have to have a shower everyday” Well, your question answers the problem…. “almost everyday” is insufficient, try to shower every day.

The intimate region contains sweat glands and apocrine glands which secrete sweat and other substances so sweating and odour is quite a normal physiological process, however, excessive sweating or a strong odour may be a cause for concern and could be due to bacterial or fungal infections. In women, certain infections, such as bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections (like candidiasis), can cause changes in the vaginal flora, leading to increased discharge, foul smell, and discomfort. In men, sweating in the male intimate area is generally also normal but excessive or persistent sweating, accompanied by discomfort, odour, itching, or other symptoms, could indicate an underlying issue such as hyperhidrosis, an infection, or a hormonal imbalance.

Due to biology and how the male body functions, a smelly male groin is actually quite natural.

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