Tuesday 20 June 2023


 13 interesting facts about medical students.

  1. We literally cut penistestes and remove bladders and brains and many other organs. We are made to hold them in their anatomical position in our first year.
  2. We spent 3 hours daily cutting dead bodies in first year.
  3. Blood, unpleasant odour of patients doesn't affect us. We are immune to them.
  4. During first year, boys are asked to remove their shirts (entire shirt with upper innerwear) for the physiology practicals. Then your classmates including other males and all females perform clinical examinations on you.
  5. We study least of biochemistry and score most marks in it. We study anatomy throughout the year and get least marks in it.
  6. 1st year is of 9–10 months (MUHS University) so we learn to stay late at night and study and do time-pass.
  7. We discuss more and study less comparatively which means “A” will read topic 1 and “B” will read topic 2 and then they explain it to each other.
  8. Our anatomy subject alone includes 7 textbooks alone (compulsory textbooks) 4 volumes of BDC. Each textbook of embryology, histology and genetics.
  9. Though the first year is hectic, we manage time to watch GOT, friends, House MD, Sherlock Holmes and movies in first year itself.
  10. We strictly call our seniors as ma'am and sir. This ensures security to you as well. You cannot be addressed as brother or sister by your juniors. :xD
  11. Late night movies, eating late night or late night talks are our day to day activities. We are insomniacs. We manage to attend 8 a.m. lecture most of the times despite sleeping at 3–4′O clock in the morning!
  12. We memorize every drug in our second year which is of 16 months. We forget them when we come in 6th semester and relearn them in our final year. Same goes for anatomy of first year.
  13. We are not geeks. There are singers, musicians, artists, writers in every medical college.

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