Friday 2 June 2023


1. Make People Feel Important (SHR Method)

Your formula to boost charisma:

• Give eye contact
• Offer a specific compliment

• Ask good questions
• Be interested, not interesting

• Follow up
• Remember name(s)
• Recall something you discussed

2. Pause Before Speaking (30% Rule)

When speaking, we allow ourselves only 30% of the time a listener would give us to fill a pause without it feeling awkward.

You have more time to reply than you think.

Wait for 2s first.

Pause in Speaking + Eye Contact = Confidence

3. Hone Your Body Language (7-38-55 Rule)

People will like/dislike your communication based on:

• 7% words
• 38% tonality and face
• 55% body language

Stand up straight, pull your shoulders back, make eye contact, smile, give a firm handshake...

You will be dangerous.

4. Use Humor

A study of the top TED Talks found humor as a key ingredient.

People are drawn to those who make them feel good (aided by humor).

3 proven tips to be funnier:

• Give a surprising answer
• Care more than someone predicted
• Be more specific than necessary

5. Don’t Complain or Gossip. Ever.

Nobody likes to hear complaining.

So why do we do it ourselves?

(Respectfully standing up for yourself is different.)

Separately, when you talk bad about others,

people wonder if you talk bad about them too.

Just don’t do it.

6. The Shadow Rule

You don’t need to hide parts of yourself to be accepted by others.

Think about your favorite movie or TV character.

They have at least one weakness. You wouldn’t like them as much otherwise.

Imperfection is humanizing.

Own your flaws, be magnetic.

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