The Lessons
1. When the world mentally labeled that white is clean and pure, whereas black is dirty and dark, crows don’t care about these labels. They simply didn’t get identify with it. They accept the way they are and live the life by being themselves.
Lesson: Acceptance and detachment. When you accept yourself and detach from labels made by the mind, you get to connect with your true-self. And it is easier to be your true self without any mind label identification.
2. Have you seen any crow hidden behind the tree because she’s not as colorful as other birds? Have you seen any crow that feels so shy and hide her loud voice? Crows are one of the birds that appear in front of you with high self-esteem. One of the evidence is their appearance rather louder than silence. What are they telling us about self-esteem?
Lesson: Be loud and be bold about yourselves. Even if you feel that you are lack compare to others, even if you feel less pretty compare to others and many more of lack, accept it because it will help you increase your self-esteem.
And always be proud of yourself! Expose your talents, your skills, your voice, your opinions, your knowledge about life from the world. Do it with kindness and love. What the world need right now is people who can fit the puzzle of life correctly by being themselves.Accept whoever you are because acceptance is beautiful life in making. Never hide yourself. Face the world with all the self-esteem you have. Throughout the time, it will increase and become stronger inside you.
Remember this; when the crows not trying to be others, it gives a sense of beauty in the world of birds. The world has colorful birds and also just one color bird; the black crow. This is not sacrifice. This is the acceptance of being. And YOU are unique. We are unique. Only by being yourself, you are helping others being theirs. All of it will fit the puzzle of life beautifully.
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இதை படித்ததும், நமது முன்னோர்கள் காகத்திடமுள்ள ஆறு குணங்களை ஒரு வெண்பாவாக பாடியுள்ளது ஞாபகம் வந்தது. அதையும் கீழே தந்துள்ளேன்.
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மாலை குளித்து மனை புகுதல் – சால
உற்றாரோடுண்ணல் உறவாடலிவ் வாறும்
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