Wednesday 30 August 2023



  1. Eat It Raw: Eating cabbage raw preserves its vitamin C content and other water-soluble nutrients. You can enjoy cabbage in salads, slaws, or as a crunchy topping for sandwiches and tacos.
  2. Steam It: Steaming cabbage helps retain its nutrients while making it more tender. Steaming for a short time, around 5-7 minutes, can maintain its texture and flavor.
  3. Stir-Fry: Stir-frying cabbage with other vegetables and lean protein in a small amount of healthy oil can create a flavorful and nutrient-rich dish. Keep the cooking time short to prevent overcooking.
  4. Roast It: Roasting cabbage can bring out its natural sweetness and create a delicious caramelized flavor. Cut the cabbage into wedges or thick slices, brush with olive oil, and roast in the oven until tender.
  5. Ferment It: Fermented cabbage, also known as sauerkraut or kimchi, is not only tasty but also provides probiotics that can support gut health. These fermented varieties can be enjoyed as a condiment or side dish.
  6. Add to Soups and Stews: Adding cabbage to soups, stews, and casseroles can infuse them with flavor, texture, and nutritional value.
  7. Avoid Overcooking: Overcooking cabbage can lead to a loss of nutrients and a mushy texture. Cook it just until it's tender but still retains some crispness.
  8. Pair with Protein: Combining cabbage with lean protein sources like chicken, fish, tofu, or legumes creates a balanced meal that's rich in nutrients.
  9. Experiment with Spices and Herbs: Use various herbs and spices to enhance the flavor of cabbage dishes without relying on excessive salt or unhealthy sauces.
  10. Use Healthy Cooking Methods: Opt for cooking methods that use minimal added fats, such as steaming, baking, grilling, and sautéing with a small amount of olive oil or avocado oil.


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