Monday 28 August 2023



  1. Worrying brings nothing positive but anxiety, and fear.
  2. It is is the easiest way of wasting time. It builds a loop of thoughts and exaggerates a situation.
  3. Don't force the universe to turn the events against you hy repeatedly releasing such energy from inside. Don't negatively affect the randomness of nature or plans of fate.
  4. Worry shows extreme attachment to the matter of the world, extreme attachment is a lack of maturity and a source of pain, it's like walking in between thorny bushes and not on the side of them.
  5. When one does the best karma and leaves the result to the almighty, they are directly connected with God. It's God who operates through them and does the best.
  6. Worrying can be killed by self-belief. Understanding your ability to deal with the worst of circumstances. Commit to act your best in each moment no matter what the result is.
  7. Worrying can also be killed by considering the life of the present moment as precious. Something which won't come back and is meant to be lived, relished and enjoyed. Why waste it for the unseen future? Why destroy this person solely for that future person?
  8. Worrying can be killed by doing your best, taking strong decisions, and then feeling happy about your efforts, being free from any pressure. You did your best, time for the universe to show it's power or now down in shame, or maybe operate on it's bigger plans through small failures.
  9. Worrying can be killed by accepting the fact that the world, outcomes and life would never be perfect, expecting every outcome to be positive and fearing adverse results is nothing but immaturity.
  10. Stay as much busy as possible and as much involved as you can be in your routine to kill worry from your mind.

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