Tuesday, 25 March 2025


Life is filled with pleasant vibrations and the more we tune our mind to the subtleness around us, the more we become efficient in delving through the secrets of Nature

“When a wave comes from something, it has all the qualities of the object from which it originated. A wave coming from a rose, for instance, has the fragrant characteristic of that flower. In the like manner, any wave emanating from anything has a distinct quality – mechanical, chemical, magnetic, electrical and psychic.

All functions, contents and characteristics of the objects are transmitted from the wave, through the wave and by the wave. In the case of a human being, the wave emanating from an individual, by radiation, smell, sight, word or thought – whatever it may be – carries all the qualities of that being. 

Since every person is conditioned by the imprints of experiences already undergone, their thought, speech and action will be in accordance with those imprints. Our day-to-day life blends to so many shades in every relation and circumstances, whether in workplace or at home, we are predisposed to subject our personality to a matrix of vibrations. Every individual has good as well as bad imprints. Consequently, according to the conditioning of the individual’s mind, the thought emanating from them may be positive or negative. In addition to imprints of our own action, we have acquired innumerable externally caused imprints that are ingrained in our personality. Whenever the unwanted or adverse imprints are activated, they become more deeply ingrained. It is here that the value of blessings comes into play.

What is the state of one’s mind when blessing a person? An individual radiates good waves at that time, or one could not bring oneself to bless. When you proceed to bless someone, you are actually preparing your personality – bringing it to positive vibrations. When you practice positive thoughts, good vibrations emanate from you, and when blessing is done in that state of mind, it gathers tremendous power. The waves of blessings clash on the other person, they reflect onto you, refract and penetrate to several persons in addition to the one who is the object of your blessing. Good vibrations spread out to the whole of humanity; to the entire universe in every direction. Accordingly, when you bless someone, you are automatically blessed.

An individual’s mind must be in a peaceful state when blessing. There can be no aggravation, because one cannot bless in an aggravated state of mind. When one blesses, he or she automatically comes to Divine Consciousness. 

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