Thursday 3 August 2023


 There are 14 lokas on earth, namely:

There is a top down approach where consciousness level is highest in Satya Loka and lowest in Patala Loka.

Satya Loka: Satya Loka or Brahma loka is highest realm, the beings that live in this loka have understood the eternal truth in vedas. Since the people have attained all the knowledge possible, they are free from any desires and emotions and cycle of rebirth that goes on in bhur loka(earth).

Tapa Loka: Tapa loka is the realm of high consciousness and universal energies, the beings that reach loka are always in pursuit of truth and eternal knowledge. This loka is reached by beings who perform severe penance.

Jana Loka: It is the abode of mind born sons of brahma and third highest realm of consciousness, rishis such as Bhrigu also transfer themselves to this loka.

Mahar Loka: It is the abode of great saints and sages, and all the enlightened beings. They enjoy longer durations of life, higher spiritual knowledge and a greater access energies of universe.

Suvar Loka: It is also called as Swarg Loka, it is abode of all devas, and Lord of Devas i.e Indra and other Apsaras,rishis, gandharvas etc. It is believed that if a human soul has attained consciousness and good karma then it will transit to this loka after death of body.

Bhuvar Loka: It is the visible universe to the human beings that includes our solar system, stars, and galaxies etc. We are able to access this elements of this loka by artificial sattelites etc.

Bhur Loka: It is our own planet earth, where various living beings including humabalans live. It is a loka where beings have a partial spirituality and are always in a quest to find true meaning to life, until then rebirth takes place for them.

There exists lower lokas or realms as well who have lesser spirituality and lower consciousness than human beings.

Atala Loka: It is the first lower lokas, which is ruled by Bala son of maya, it is said that this loka has three types women, who are lustful, whorish and self willed. It is realm where physical pleasures are important than anything else, and these women take advantage of the men by intoxicating them and then derive their own physical pleasures from them.

Vitala Loka: It is the loka of ignorance, the people here are successful but not spiritual and think that they do not make eny mistakes. They believe and dwell in their own consciousness.

Sutala Loka: It is the abode of asuras, ruled by King Bali, it is said that asuras are always in fight with devas, and in this realm they learn from this mistakes and then realize the truth.

Talatala Loka: It is the realm ruled by Maya, due to which beings in this realm are completely unaware of spirituality and truth. Due to effect of maya, beings are argumentative in nature here.

Mahatala Loka: It is the abode of snakes and beings who are always angry. Serpents live with their wives and children happily, but are always anxious due to Garuda the eagle.

Rasatala Loka: It is abode of danavs and daityas, who are completely against God and spirituality and consider them as their enemies.b

Patala Loka: It is also called as Naga loka, it is the lowest realm which is described as illuminated with jewels, and beings completely immersed in activities of luxury and ignorance.

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