Wednesday 9 August 2023


Let us understand the science behind CME(Coronal Mass Ejection) released from Sun in our solar system.

ISRO( Indian Space Research Organisation) has decided to send Aditya L-1 sattelite in space (at point L-1(Langrangian Point 1) in space) whose aim is to study the particles which are emitted from surface of sun, also called as Coronal Mass Ejection.

Coronal Mass Ejection is a phenomenon in which particles are released from surface of sun, due to disturbances in magnetic field of corona.

These particles are said to be highly influenced by magnetic field, and very harmful as they can destroy all technological devices that we use today.

However, we are saved from them as earth has its own magnetic field which repels these particles and we see aurora in sky when these particles get trapped in Earth magnetic field.


There is a Hindu tale, where Sanjana (wife of Lord Surya/Agni Dev and daughter of Celestial Architect Vishwakarma) tells her father that she is not able to see her Husband Lord Surya due to his intense light and heat.

Vishwakarma thus reduces the shine of Lord Surya so that Sanjana can see him. On lessening the shine, the dust starts forming out of him.

Vishwakarma is said to have collected that dust of sun to form sudarshana chakra and then gave it to Vishnu.

Lord Krishna has frequently used Sudarshana Chakra in his lifetime, and he said that it can travel million miles, and he is able to control and make sudarshana chakra return to him.

In this tale, there are some analogies:

  • Surya’s dust forming out, due to lesser shine; is metaphor for Coronal Mass Ejection from Sun.
  • Lord Krishna controlling Sudarshana Chakra; is metaphor for fact that Krishna knew about magnetism and is also a controller electromagnetic force in space, and these Sudarshana Chakra formed from CME could be influenced magnetically.
  • Chakra can travel million miles; is metaphor for fact that CME can travel far greater distances in universe with higher speeds.

Long before our Scientists today, Krishna had told us about Coronal Mass Ejection and it's control by magnetic field in form of holding Sudarshan chakra (made from Sun dust i.e CME).

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