Friday 11 August 2023



Dust is everywhere. It's on your furniture, in your carpets, in your lungs, and even in outer space.

But where does it come from? How does it form? And why does it make you sneeze?

One of the main sources of dust is mineral dust, which is basically tiny bits of rocks and soil that get blown into the air by wind erosion.

Mineral dust can travel long distances and affect the climate, the weather, and the health of living organisms.

It can also act as a catalyst for chemical reactions in the atmosphere, such as the oxidation of SiO molecules, which are believed to be important for the formation of silicate dust particles in outflows around dying stars.

Yes, you heard that right. Dust can come from stars too.

Another source of dust is organic dust, which is composed of biological materials such as pollen, spores, bacteria, fungi, viruses, animal dander, and human skin flakes. Yuck.

Organic dust can trigger allergic reactions and respiratory diseases in some people. It can also serve as a food source for some microorganisms and insects.

And it can influence the formation and growth of clouds and precipitation by acting as cloud condensation nuclei or ice nuclei.

So next time you see a raindrop or a snowflake, remember that it might have started as a piece of dead skin or a virus.

There is also anthropogenic dust, which is generated by human activities such as agriculture, industry, mining, construction, transportation, and combustion.

Anthropogenic dust can contain harmful substances such as metals, pesticides, organic pollutants, and radioactive materials. It can also affect the visibility, the air quality, and the radiative balance of the Earth.


Dust forms from various natural and artificial processes that break down solid materials into smaller particles that can be suspended in the air or transported by wind currents. Dust is a complex and dynamic phenomenon that has multiple impacts on the environment and life on Earth.

And it's also very annoying when you have to clean it up.

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