Wednesday 9 August 2023


At the end of Kaliyuga when the whole world is under the spell of deep bodyconsciouness due to maya and under the jail of five vices lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego, Shiva takes incarnation in the body Prajapita Brahma and teaches devine knowledge and Rajayoga. Prajapita Brahma becomes Brahma the Subtle deity and he becomes Vishnu again. Shiva gives salvation and liberation to all souls at the end of Kaliyuga and distroyes the old world. Every souls have to settle their own account of sins accumulated through birth after birth. Due to the entropic degradation the qualities of elements of nature and qualities of souls also degrades and causes untimely deaths due to natural calamities, diseases and war. Shiva is the creator of heaven and deities in Sathyayuga. The drama is predestined, eternal and cyclic.

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