Tuesday 1 August 2023


Why is Chandrayaan 3 orbiting the Earth instead of orbiting the Moon?

The Chandrayaan-3 mission, with a budget of only ₹615 crores, has adopted a clever strategy to reach the Moon in a cost-effective manner. Instead of using a powerful rocket for a direct journey, ISRO is utilizing the gravitational slingshot effect to enter the Moon's orbit with the help of Earth's gravity.

This approach involves leveraging the gravitational force of Earth to generate a powerful push, propelling Chandrayaan-3 closer and closer to the lunar orbit. During each perigee (the closest point to Earth) in its orbit, the spacecraft's engines are fired to increase its speed, resulting in a higher and more elongated orbit. By repeating this process strategically, the spacecraft gains the necessary momentum to enter the lunar orbit.

Once Chandrayaan-3 successfully enters the lunar orbit, it will commence several orbits around the Moon before proceeding with its intended mission, including a planned landing at the designated location.

By employing this innovative approach, ISRO has managed to overcome budget constraints while still enabling Chandrayaan-3 to accomplish its mission goals effectively.

Through boundless space, our missions roam, seeking truths yet to be known.

With stars above and dreams in flight, we journey onward, towards Infinite.

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