Wednesday 16 August 2023



  • What makes you feel that you exist?
  • How are you able to feel that you are in present?

Scientifically, we are just made up of bones and muscles, but that does not still explain what makes us feel that we exist.

It definitely means that there is an element within us ,that makes us realize that we exist.

Science calls it as SOUL, but is yet to explain what is it made up of and how it functions within a body.

And it is obvious that soul is not a permanent component of our body, because when it leaves the body. Our body simply becomes lifeless, just a complex structure of body and muscles.

So in my point of view, God is SOUL. and this clearly answers all our interpretation and knowledge about God. It is said that:

  • God is everywhere you goPractically it means soul within your body travels everywhere with you.
  • God has always been with us: Practically it means since the time body has existed, soul has been a part of it.
  • God knows everything: Practically it means, the soul within us, gets to know every action that we do.
  • God always help us: Practically it means, it is the soul only which gives energy to the body to develop and execute our thoughts.
  • God is reason for existence/God has created us: Practically it means, Without Soul there is no meaning of Body, it is soul only that defines our existence, metaphorically it is the soul that creates living being.

The reason why we are yet not able to find the God, is that we are searching in wrong direction, rather than searching outside, we should search for God within us and that inner searching will reveal that god had always been within us, it is just that we don’t realize his presence.

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