Wednesday 2 August 2023


Why goddess Kali is seen standing on Chest of Shiva

Let us first understand SCIENCE OF BLACK HOLES -

According to science, massive stars which are much bigger than our sun are called as Red Supergiant. When a Red SuperGiant Star explodes it forms into a Supernova, out of which emanates a neutron star and black holes.

A neutron star, is a collapsed core of massive SuperGiant star, it is believed that if a neutron star enters the solar system, it can create a chaos due to its strong energy fields, such as it can throw planets of their orbits, raising tides that can rip apart the world.

A black hole, is very highly dense region in space, that has a gravity to strong that there is no point of escape for any thing from it.


Let us go through the story first:

There was a demon called Raktabija, who obtained a boon from Lord Shiva, that every drop of his blood falling on ground would multiply into multiple copies of Raktabija. So whenever someone shed his blood, it created multiple copies of him that were creating chaos for everyone such as devas, humans, and universe etc.

As a solution to this problem, Lord Shiva requested Parvati who can help solve this and thus emerged Maa Kaali, in her fierce form, she killed rakta bija, and ensured that there is no point of escape for blood, from any wound of Raktabija, thus putting him to an end. But Kaali couldn't stop herself, and itself started ending everything that came in her way, it became near impossible to stop her. It was then Lord Shiva himself laid down at her mercy which finally made her stop.

Story of maa kali killing Raktabija and stopping on chest Shiva,maybe a metaphoric representation of creation of neutron stars and black holes.

Rakta is blood in Sanskrit, which is red in colour. RaktaBija with property to multiply into several copies; represents Red SuperGiant i.e exploding to create multiple neutron stars and black hole that are even more destructive.

Army of Raktabija formed by Raktabija creating chaos; Practically represents Neutron stars created from supernova doing chaos in universe such as throwing planets off the orbits etc.

Maa Kali destroying everything possible, even after a dead Raktabija; Practically represents a Black Holes sucking everything around it endlessly, such as Supernova(Army) formed by SuperGiant(Raktabija) and still sucking other elements of universe also.

Shiva under chest of Maa Kali; Practically represents that even Space (Lord Shiva, metaphorically) is at mercy of destruction of Black Holes(Maa Kali) depicting there is nothing that can escape black hole. Kali holding Raktabija is like, black hole sucking up neutron stars and preventing them from creating further chaos to solar system or planets.

Long before our Scientists today, Maa Kali explained to us that Black Holes exist in universe and theory behind creation of black hole

Thanks -  Apoorv Gautam

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