Monday 2 December 2013


7 Concepts of Strategic Management 

An interesting Management Case Study

Illustration from Mahabharata

(1) Kaurav Ltd.

CEO - Duryodhana
President - Dhritarashtra (Duryodhana's father)
Chief Mentor - Mama Shakuni

(2) Pandav Ltd.

CEO - Arjun
President - Yudhisthira
Chief Mentor - Krishna

7 Concepts of Strategic Management 

(1) Vision

Kaurav - The President of Kaurav Ltd i.e. Dhritarashtra had no vision at all. He could not override his weakness for his son. He was used by Shakuni and Duryodhana. He was incapable of taking any decision. He remained silent during the dice game in which Yudhisthira lost everything and also let his son insult Draupadi. He failed to forecast the result of this humiliation which eventually became the root cause of this war. He was a weak leader and failed to follow his responsibilities as a president in a proper manner.

Pandav - Their President Yudhisthira was a man of great vision and was respected even by his competitors. He was an expert in administration and a man of values and adhered to truth and Dharma. He used his image in a great manner as on the first day of war he applied a great strategy. He went over to Kaurava's to take blessing from Elders and in return he got the secret of defeating them. (Remember the case of Bhishma.) . This helped them to gain strategic advantage over Kaurava Ltd. He also anticipated the war at an early stage and started preparations for it.

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