Tuesday 1 August 2023


 As per the scriptures, Sage durvasa was an avatar of lord Shiva, who was responsible for ending discipline in the universe.

Now there are two types of beings Suras(Devas) and Asuras. Initially Suras were more powerful and were given support of God as they held the responsibility of Agni or fire, vayu or air, Indra or rain, Varuna or seas etc.

Vishnu as preserver did prefer Suras over Asuras as they preserved the nature and encouraged people to follow them.

Indra being on his elephant airavata, once encountered with Sage Durvasa, and he was gifted garland, but Indra put it on airavata, who finally threw it on ground. It made Durvasa realize that Indra as leader of Devas is casual, and disrespectful in nature.

Seeing his indiscipline , he doubted on his capabilities for being a sura and thus he cursed all suras to lose their power and strength.

Now suras and asuras had become equal, and thus asuras overpowered them and created disbalance in universe, which triggered Vishnu as he was preserver.

Now powers had to be again distributed between suras and asuras, for which samudra manthan was announced, with every churn whatever was produced had to be distributed equally within suras and asuras.

Mount Meru was taken for churning while vasuki became the rope, kurma avatar of Vishnu held the base of mountain so that churning was kept continuous.

One who got Amrita, was to be regarded as powerful, which was the main result from Samudra Manthan. Finally when Dhanvantri came , asuras started to fight for Amrita and took hold of it. But then mohini, took the responsibility of distribution of nectar and thus fooled asuras, except rahu and ketu who disguised as sura, for getting Amrita.


In this story:

  • Samudra Manthan is a metaphor for the choice of individual between good qualities and bad qualities.
  • Lord Vishnu giving his snake and taking kurma avatar for manthan represents that god has set everybody their free will and initially gives equal chance to all individuals to decide their own path either good or bad.
  • Suras represents good qualities, while asuras represents bad qualities.
  • Suras getting tail of snake for manthan represents that one with good qualities it is ensured that one is on right track in their life.
  • Asuras getting head of snake spitting poison and fire represents that one with bad qualities is on wrong track and will have to suffer and hustle, even for basic things in life.
  • Lord Shiva drinking halahal, represents that god protects everyone who is in chaos and at that time doesn't differentiate whether that individual was good or bad.
  • Kamadhenu, Kalpavriksha and Apsaras and other wish fulfilling taken up suras represents that one with good qualities will always make fair choices in life that will be beneficial for them as well as others and surroundings.
  • Asuras taking up powerful horse and fighting for precious jewels represents that one with bad qualities will fall prey to greed, arrogance and power and will not think anything beneficial to them as well as others.
  • Lakshmi marrying to Vishnu, represents that wealth will only retain in hands of the individual, who will preserve it and use it judiciously, just like Vishnu preserves universe.
  • Asuras snatching nectar and Garuda giving it to Mohini, represents that bad qualities can never overpower good qualities.
  • Asuras falling prey to Mohini, represents that one with bad qualities will easily get satisfied with emotions of lust and materialistic, and will be stuck in maya (which is represented by mohini).
  • Asura trying to drink nectar stealthily and being killed by vishnu represents that one with bad qualities will always fail to prove that good qualities are wrong.
  • Rahu and Ketu eating up Chandra and Surya, but then releasing them as they immortal represents that one with good qualities may face obstacles in his life and may feel that it's wrong to be good, but if they will keep patience those obstacles will go away with time.

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