Monday, 22 January 2024


 7 Things to Stop Worrying About

  1. What other people say and do. It's not up to us to control other people, or to change how they act, or to make their decisions.
  2. Being right. This is highly over-rated and can cause a lot of stress. If you're confident and real you don't need to prove you're right!
  3. Other peoples' expectations of you. At the end of the day, it's your life not their life - so just be yourself and set,and go for, your own goals.
  4. Fitting in. Although social skills matter, and it's good to think of others, you also need to be yourself a special, unique individual. Beware - conformity can kill individuality.
  5. Expecting perfection. It's unrealistic to aim for perfection. You'll just be disappointed and discouraged all the time.
  6. Life being out of control. At the end of the day, there's not much we can control - except our own reactions and our attitudes to problems. So change what you can and then relax and enjoy life.
  7. Getting it wrong. We all make mistakes in our journey through this life. That's simply part of learning, and being normal and human.

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