Seeds of Love: The Ultimate Gift
- Denis Waitley
Touch is the magic wand of intimacy. Love is keeping in touch.Love should be a verb, not a noun or adverb. Love is an active emotion.
Don’t assume that money, shelter and creature comforts are enough to demonstrate your love.
Nothing can replace your presence, your hug, your smile, your touch --- you!
Love is one of the few experiences in life that we can best keep by giving it away.
Only when you set your romantic and business partners free to be all they can be, will you know how attractive and lovable you are yourself; free of the insecurity and self-doubt that spawn envy and jealousy.
To love is to be open and vulnerable, and to receive graciously that which is given.
Value is in the doer, not the deed.
Love yourself and give away, all the love you can today.

The first words you should speak to the one beside you when you awaken each morning are, “Good Morning, I love you.” The last words you should speak each night are, “Good Night, I love you.”