Thursday 31 July 2014


7 Habits of Highly Creative Minds

Steve Jobs talked about it in his famous commencement speech. He said that creativity is just connecting the dots. Creative thinkers produce ideas by finding the relationship between facts. Facts merely on their own are useless until one sees the connection between them.

Creative thinkers produce ideas by finding the relationship between facts. Facts merely on their own are useless until one sees the connection between them.

When you see the connection between facts, you're able to create something different.

This is what your clients are expecting. Even if they aren't aware of it, they're really going to you because they rely on a fresh perspective.

Developing a wide range of skills is a great way to discover the connection of ideas. Don't just stick to what you're "naturally" good at. If you're a web designer, spending some time learning how to code will make your designs better. Why? Because you're opening up new venues of creativity based on technical aspects you weren't aware of. For example, you may have never thought to design a website with vertical text. But with a little exploration into HTML and CSS you learned not only how to technically create vertical text with CSS - but it opened your mind into the possibilities of using vertical text for web design work.

The connection between ideas doesn't happen unless you explore a little. Start enhancing your natural gift with the skills that complement it. Writers can learn about photography, designers can learn about development, and developers can learn about design. Clients will thank you for your ability to see above and beyond. You may even spot something they weren't aware of and offer your advice.

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