Saturday, 1 July 2023



Too far away from the center of the galaxy, where most of the action is:

The center of the Milky Way is about 28,000 light years away from us, which means it takes 28,000 years for the light from there to reach us. That's a long time to wait for a show, even by Netflix standards. And even if we could see the center, it would be obscured by dust and gas that block our view. So much for being in the prime spot.

We can only see a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum:

Which is the range of wavelengths of light that exist in nature. Our eyes are sensitive to photons, or light particles, that have wavelengths between 380 and 720 nanometers. That's what we call the visible spectrum, and it's pretty limited compared to what's out there. For example, we can't see radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays, or gamma rays, which are all part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Some animals can see more than we can, like birds that can see ultraviolet light or snakes that can sense infrared heat.

WTF? Artificial Lighting:

Light pollution is a serious problem that affects not only our ability to see the stars, but also our health, wildlife, and energy consumption . One third of humanity cannot see the Milky Way at all because of light pollution. That's a shame, because seeing the galaxy can inspire awe, curiosity, and wonder in us. It can also remind us of how small we are in this vast universe, and how much we have to learn and explore.

So, We can't see the galaxy because we're too far away, too blind, and too bright. But don't despair. There are ways to overcome these limitations and enjoy the beauty of our cosmic neighborhood. You can use telescopes, binoculars, cameras, or apps to enhance your vision and locate the best spots to observe the night sky. You can also join campaigns to reduce light pollution and protect our natural heritage. And you can always use your imagination and creativity to picture what lies beyond our sight.

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