Saturday 29 July 2023



Some people wonder if they are enlightened because they do not know. If you are enlightened, is it easy to know, since you never suffer while being alive? A person will not suffer when they feel unlimited happiness all the time.

Without suffering there is no spiritual awakening. It is only the suffering which will force you to go within to seek answers for “Why Me God” when the life will turn upside down for whatever reasons. It is because of the intense pain, trauma and life’s suffering you connect to the universal spiritual realm who will guide you in the entire spiritual process till your last breath.

True enlightenment and spiritual awakening can only occur when you stop seeking solutions outside of your own reality in places like temples, religious rituals, cults, and societies, and when you stop attributing traumas and bad luck to the outside world or your own life circumstances. Instead, you begin accepting who you are from the depths of your soul.

Enlightenment occurs when you begin to connect the dots between your life's events and perceive your life from a big picture perspective. These personal life "dots" provide the solutions to a lot of your questions and unfair events. You begin your soul search for solutions within yourself by establishing a connection with and activating your soul consciousness (Intuition or sixth sense) with the ONE universal consciousness, often known as Christ, Shiva, or Allah consciousness.

When you realize that God is present within of you in the "I AM" or "Aham Bhramasmi" state, you have reached enlightenment.

An enlightened person will feel blessed and drop all the fears that are preventing them from moving forward on their spiritual path once they realize they were never alone in this life, even when life was unfair to them, and they were guided by the divine itself.

Fear is the opposite of love; why worry when the divine is guiding you?

Be Happy enlightened spirits! Let Go and Let God!

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