Friday, 28 July 2023


 You know that we have aerial photos of the peak of Mount Kailash, right?

There are satellites, planes, etc. Heck, you can see the peak of Mount Kailash from regular daily flights between India and Nepal when the weather is clear (admittedly from a great distance).

Hindus don’t believe that Lord Shiva physically lives on the physical Mount Kailash in Tibet. We never have believed that. The mountain is sacred to Him, but the Mount Kailash where Shiva lives is clearly described in the scriptures as an Otherworldly mountain in a celestial heaven-realm, covered in forests and animals and cities of spirit-beings rather than snow and bare rock, obviously a totally different place. It corresponds to the Mount Kailash in our world in a subtle spiritual way, but they are not at all identical.

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