Thursday 26 October 2023


Corporate world is not for everyone. People who have soft emotions can’t stay here for long. Some dark secrets about it:

  1. If you are quiet, calm and less talkative then you will be ridiculed by your manager and if you are proactive you will be hated by your colleagues.
  2. Office politics is real and a part of every organization. You will get promotions and onsite opportunities easily :P
  3. If you are punctual (come to the office on time and leave it on time), people will laugh at you and if you are not punctual they complain about it.
  4. You have to deal with a list of tasks other than you were actually hired for.
  5. Do not trust your colleagues. For them, you are only their competitors.
  6. Sometimes if you are right, you should accept that you are wrong.
  7. No one will teach you anything. You have to learn everything by yourself otherwise your job can be lost.
  8. You have to tell people about your work, if you are not doing this, you are not doing anything.
  9. Never complain, no one cares. They will listen to you but laugh at you behind your back.
  10. You have to fake it most of the time. “BE FAKE” is the key to success.
  11. If you are not in the good books of your manager…you are nothing to him/her.
  12. People take credit for your work.
  13. Some people who advance and get promotions don't deserve it.
  14. People are nice to you only when you are influential or they need you.
  15. No one is your well wisher. Everyone is your competitor.
  16. If you are a person with low confidence, people will leverage it and eat your job.

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