Friday 3 August 2012

மூளைக்கு வேலை - 7

நிறைய நண்பர்கள் சிரிப்பு ஞானம் & மூளைக்கு வேலை கேட்டிருக்கின்றார்கள்.

இரண்டையும் இணைத்து இன்றைய post -

1.ரஷ்யாவின் அக்டோபர்  புரட்சி எந்த மாதம் கொண்டாடப்படுகின்றது?
a. அக்டோபர் 
b. ஜனவரி
c. நவம்பர்

2. பனாமா தொப்பி எந்த நாட்டில் முதலில் வடிவமைக்கப்பட்டது?
a. பனாமா 
b. ஈக்வடார் 
c. மெக்ஸிகோ

3. பூச்சிக்கு  எத்தனைக் கால்?

a. இரண்டு
b. நான்கு
c. ஆறு
d. எட்டு

4. ஸ்பைடர்மேனுக்கு எத்தனைக் கால்?
a. இரண்டு
b. நான்கு
c. எட்டு

5. நூற்றாண்டு போர் எத்தனை ஆண்டுகள் நடந்தன?
a. நூறு
b. நூத்தி  எட்டு
c. நூத்தி பதினாறு

சரியான பதில் கண்டுபிடிப்பவர்களுக்குப் பாராட்டுக்கள்!

மற்றவர்கள் கீழே உள்ள கேள்விகளுக்கு விடை கண்டு பிடிக்கலாம் !

[this one's little difficult than last year's]

1. Write your name in less than 20 minutes and 20 letters (only alphabets allowed, no numeric digits or "_" allowed)

2. Sex ?
( ) Male
( ) Female
( ) Sardar

3. What's ur age group ?
( ) less than 0
( ) equal to 0
( ) greater than 0

4. What is 2 + 2 ?
( ) FOUR
( ) 4
( ) IV

5. If you have one brother, how many brothers ur brother has ?
( ) none
( ) one
( ) question is too personal

6. Complete the following sentence...........
______ ________ ________ _________ .

7. If there are 365 days in a year, how many days make a year ?

8. Read the statment carefully and answer the following question: "My mother's daughter's brother's mother's mother's daughter's husband's wife is my mother herself".

Qs. how many times the word "mother" appear in the above statement?
( ) None
( ) few times
( ) uncountable times

9. If someone gives you a dollar for 100 cents , would you
( ) get one dollar ?
( ) 100 cents ?

10. Write an Essay on "MYSELF" in not more than three sentences.......
(HINT : My Name is ___________ (same as in [1]). I am a ___________ (boy/girl). i am writing an essay.)

11. If the time is 3.00 what does ur digital watch show ?

12. At what time does the 11.16 Indrani Express come ?

13. What u do on a honeymoon ?
( ) Collect Honey
( ) Admire Moon
( ) Collect Honey while admiring the moon

14. Earth is Flat ?
( ) False
( ) Indeed False

15. If A = B and B = C then B = A ?
( ) TRUE

16. If you eat lunch during lunch time, what u have during dinner time?

17. If Ram is Sita's Husband, Who is Ram's Wife ?

18. Think and write the present tense of THOUGHT.

19. Complete the following poem :
Mary had a little lamb
little lamb little lamb_ (HINT: "." or "@" or "^" )

20. This is question number
( ) 1
( ) 10
( ) 20

21. If 2 + 3 = 5, 3 + 2 = 5 ??
( ) YES
( ) NO

22. write full form of ASAP As Soon As Possible.

23. Opposite of the word "IN" is
( ) NOT IN

24. What is the capital of india ?
( ) India
( ) INDia

25. a,e,i,o and u are collectively called "vowels". what are e,a,i,o and u called ?

26. Fill in the blank :
I am _________ a letter.

27. Who was the first MAN to land on moon ?

28. What comes first ?
( ) the Egg
( ) the Omlet

29. can you count more than five using your hands ?
( ) YES
( ) NO

30. Spell M-Y-T-H-O-L-O-G-Y

31. Mrs. Sinha is Mr. Sinha's
( ) Brother
( ) Son
( ) Daughter

32. car A start from X and car B start from Y. X and Y are located 100 miles apart from each other. how many wheels does each car has ?
( ) One
( ) Four
( ) Seven

33. To reach to the 12th floor of the World Trade Center, how many buttons would you press in the elevator ?
( ) ONE

34. Complete the following series [this question carries 3 marks]
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, _, _, _.

35. this one tests ur imagination.
SUN is nearer to india than AMERICA because.........
( ) SUN is smaller than AMERICA
( ) One can see SUN, but not AMERICA
( ) i do not have any time left to think on this one.

ur feedback counts..................(please do not write how many times)

I rate the difficulty level for the above question paper as
( ) 8 ( ) 9 ( ) 10
[NOTE : 1 is very easy and 10 is most difficult]

Number of times i flipped a coin
( ) 35
( ) 70
( )
i forgot to bring my coin so i bluffed and prayed for good luck

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