Thursday 29 June 2023


The svadhisthana chakra also called the sacral chakra is the seat of the element water and of taste thus people with empowered svadhisthana have the luster and shine in their skin, hair, eyes, and all other tissue elements.

It is located just about two fingers above the Muladhara chakra, in the lower abdomen below the navel, and covers organs like kidneys, urethra, urinary system, organs of reproduction, prostate gland, etc.

The principal air (Vayu) which activates the svadhisthana chakra is Vyana which is spread over the entire body.

It is in charge of the sexual organs of the body and is located in the pelvic region.

The sacral chakra is associated with nature's activities like creation, maintenance, and destruction.

It is connected with the emotional body, sensuality, and creativity.

This forms your deepest connections with sensuality and passion.

The sacral chakra embodies your relationship with every being in this existence.

This includes emotion, pleasure, connection, and intimacy.

It is endowed with the faculty of instant knowledge.

Individuals who are endowed with the capacity of unfailing memory for several things simultaneously have empowered svadhisthana chakra.

Motivated by pleasure and joy, the sacral chakra is the driving force for one's enjoyment in life.

People with activated sacral chakra are pleasure seekers. They seek pleasure through all their five senses.

It enables them to feel and experience life to its fullness.

The Svadhisthana chakra (water) and Manipuraka (fire) chakras are the foundation of Pranamaya kosha, the physiological body. Both have to move together, coordinating their functions during inhalation and exhalation in pranayama.

Improper working of svadhisthana chakra leads to insomnia (all major sleep-related disorders are due to improper working of this chakra) Dryness and lack of luster in the skin, hair, eyes, joints, digestive tract.

It leads to stones, dryness in the vagina, burning sensation during intimacy, painful menstrual cycles, burning sensation during urination, premature ejaculation.

Pimples, itching and skin disorders, loss of taste, tongue disorder.

Relationships with loved ones turn sour, compatibility issues, people around you find you unapproachable and rude.

Lethargy and boredom set in easily, one is unable to experience unconditional joy in their being.

When it is activated, the practitioner becomes free from disease, acquires vibrant health, and oozes youthfulness.

Feeling no fatigue, he/she becomes friendly and compassionate, feels vibrant, and experiences unconditional joy in his/her being.

He/she becomes like the sugar in the milk which mixes easily thus empowering their connection with every piece of life on this existence.


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