Tuesday, 31 October 2023
For the Elderly
- Go visit them, talk with them, and just listen
- Bake them a special treat
- Take them grocery shopping
- Read to them from the Bible or a favorite book
- Sing or play music
- Watch their favorite show with them
- Ask them about the things they love to talk about
- Bring them an animal to pet and cuddle
- Help them with household chores
- Bring them flowers
- Help with yard work (mowing, raking leaves, shoveling snow, etc.)
- Take them to a Doctors appointment
For Your Family
- Offer to help a sibling with something today
- Chat with your mom
- Give a hug
- Say “I love you”
- Clean up after a meal (if this isn’t your job already)
- Make a family member’s favorite meal or dessert
- Write a thank you note or appreciation letter to leave on their pillow
- Buy them something they have been wanting
- Deliver breakfast in bed
- Leave a surprise note on the bathroom mirror
At Church
- Smile at everyone
- Say hello to visitors
- Sit with someone who is by them self (or ask them to sit with you)
- Pray with someone who needs it
- Ask for prayer requests
- Offer a listening ear
- Exort and encourage
- Remeber things: names, prayer requests, favorite things
- Chat with the elderly
- Hold a mother’s baby so she can chat with others
- Play with little children to keep them out of mischief
- Give a hug to a struggling girl
- Pick up and throw away any trash
- Notice who is missing and give them a call, send a text, or give a note
- Bring a snack to class (if approved by the teacher)
- Pray for the Pastor before, during, and after the preaching
- Thank your Pastor and his family
- Invite your church family into your home
- Share books and godly music
- Remember birthdays
- Sing or play music
- Help in a class
- Volunteer to work in the nursery
- Get involved with other ministries during the week
- Help clean the church
- Tithe
- Give during a special offering
- Thank the pianist
- Hold the hymnbook for a small child or elderly person
- Listen to the special music, and thank those who share it
At Work
- Ask your boss what more you can do to help
- Bring a treat for your coworkers
- Share your faith
- Be positive and grateful – don’t be the complaining one
- Stop the gossip
- Thank your boss or coworkers
- Be willing to lend a helping hand
- Go the extra mile
With Your Writing
- Write a thank you note
- Write a letter to someone “just because”
- Write out Bible verses and give them away
- Email a friend just to check up on her
- Write an encouragement letter for someone who needs it
- Send a text to a friend and let them know you are praying for them
- Write Scripture on post it notes and place them in public places (use discretion)
- Write Bible verses on cards to place in library books
- Give a card to a little child
- Write a poem for someone
Out and About
- Smile and say hello to others
- Give up a parking space for someone else
- Pay for someone else’s meal
- Be kind and patient towards your waiter
- Leave a generous tip with a gospel tract
- Hold the door for others
- Let someone else go in line ahead of you
- Share coupons at the store
- Pick up things that have fallen off the shelves
- Be kind and patient towards the cashier
- Say “thank you”
- Give a stranger a sincere compliment
- Put extra change in a parking meter
- Pick up trash
- Wave others on at a stop sign
- Give away things you don’t need or use
- Treat someone to ice cream
- Let others borrow your things (and understand they may not return it)
- Walk your neighbors dog
- Give homemade baked goods to your neighbors
- Offer to take a meal to a new mom or someone who is sick
- Be a mentor
- Teach something
- Donate blood
- Send someone flowers
- Give someone a basket of fresh fruit
- Give money anonymously
- Be quick to offer encouragement
- Give someone a gift card to their favorite store or restaurant
- Always choose kindness
The Book in Three Sentences
- An atomic habit is a regular practice or routine that is not only small and easy to do but is also the source of incredible power; a component of the system of compound growth.
- Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don’t want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change.
- Changes that seem small and unimportant at first will compound into remarkable results if you’re willing to stick with them for years.
The Five Big Ideas
- Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.
- If you want better results, then forget about setting goals. Focus on your system instead.
- The most effective way to change your habits is to focus not on what you want to achieve, but on who you wish to become.
- The Four Laws of Behavior Change are a simple set of rules we can use to build better habits. They are (1) make it obvious, (2) make it attractive, (3) make it easy, and (4) make it satisfying.
- Environment is the invisible hand that shapes human behavior.
11 Powerful Soul Connections You'll Experience
1.Soul partners are people you meet to fulfill your calling in life.
2.Soul ties occur with people you instantly feel an intense connection to.
3.Romantic soul mates are lovers who impart important life lessons.
4.Twin flames are halves of one soul that exist in two separate bodies.
5.Past life soul mates are those you reunite with when you’re reincarnated.
6.Karmic soul mates help you fix negative karma so you grow spiritually.
7.Soul friends are platonic companions put on your path to support you.
8.Soul families are spiritual tribes that share your same goals.
9.Soul teachers show up in your life when you need guidance.
10.Kindred spirits are people with similar values who you get along with.
11.Soul crossings occur during meaningful short-term encounters.
If we had to pick an existing genius who has a gravitational impact on any research project he (or she) touches, I would venture a guess that a lot of people would pick Terence Tao (mathematician), an Australian mathematician working out of UCLA. Not only has he been a prolific theorist, he also been a major public figure and communicator of math. He is considered an once in a generation type of talent and we won't truly fully realize his impact for another few decades once people start applying his findings. That said, his work on compressed sensing is already having implications on sensor theory.
8 major changes occur in these parts of the female body with increasing age
As women age, various changes occur in different parts of their bodies due to hormonal fluctuations, lifestyle factors, and the natural aging process. Here are eight major changes that commonly occur:
1. **Skin:** With age, the skin loses collagen and elasticity, leading to the formation of wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. Skin may also become thinner and drier.
2. **Breasts:** Breast tissue can lose firmness and elasticity over time. Hormonal changes, pregnancy, and breastfeeding can also affect the shape and size of the breasts.
3. **Reproductive System:** Menopause, which typically occurs in the late 40s or early 50s, marks the end of the reproductive phase for women. It results in the cessation of menstrual cycles and various hormonal changes, leading to symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and mood swings.
4. **Bones:** As women age, bone density naturally decreases, making them more susceptible to conditions like osteoporosis and fractures. Weight-bearing exercises and a calcium-rich diet can help mitigate these changes.
5. **Muscle Mass:** Muscle mass tends to decrease with age, which can lead to decreased strength and mobility. Regular exercise, including strength training, can help counteract muscle loss.
6. **Metabolism:** The metabolic rate tends to slow down with age, making it more challenging to maintain or lose weight. Engaging in regular physical activity and maintaining a balanced diet can help support metabolism.
7. **Vaginal Health:** Vaginal changes, such as a decrease in natural lubrication and thinning of vaginal walls, can occur with age. These changes can lead to discomfort during sexual activity and increased risk of vaginal infections.
8. **Heart and Cardiovascular Health:** The risk of heart disease increases with age. It's important for women to maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, to mitigate this risk.
It's important to remember that while these changes are a normal part of the aging process, there is much that can be done to promote overall health and well-being as women age. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and routine medical check-ups, can help women navigate these changes and maintain good health throughout their lives.
While you focus on staying at the wicket, remember the following FIVE 'Ps':
1. PRAYER : When you walk the way guided by humanly desires and selfish motifs, you will find hopeless end. But if you walk the way guided by Goodness, God and Spirituality, you will find endless hope and unlimited opportunities. We have to appreciate the doings of our creator, who has gifted us umpteen wonderful things. Just count your blessings. Life is an endless joy if you embrace positivity and look for good in your heart and prayer on your lips. Just fill your heart and mind with gratitude for the One who has provided so many things of joy and happiness.
PRAYER is to keep your Connectivity with your God. Prayer is the Mobile which connects you with Him. It never fails, needs no recharge and always in five stick signal mode. Our parents provide us our physical body but 'soul', 'consciousness' or 'atman' empower us to LIVE, is provided by God. We presume that 'soul' comes from Him for a specified period. After which it has to return to Him. So we must always keep our connectivity with out mentor, our creator through Prayer. And Prayer is not just taking His name robotically, doing rituals, visiting places of worship only but with focus, pure thoughts, deep connection and deep conversations with God during prayers. Best Prayers which bring us closer to our God, are our Good Deeds, Kindness, Compassion, Help-share-care-serve attitude towards those not born as lucky as us. That's why it is written above 'walk the way guided by Goodness, God and Spirituality to find endless hope and unlimited opportunities'.
2. PARENTING: To conceive, give birth, bring up the child, is the responsibility entrusted to parents by our creator. That's the way, this world has been running for millions of years and shall keep running for more millions. Through Parenting, Good or bad, we teach our children how to Live. Parenting is not an obligatory act. Everyone has to do it when their turn comes. Many parents in their old age, when their children do not take proper care of them, blame their off-springs, which is not totally correct. The fault also lies in their quality of Parenting. There is so much selfishness, greed, intolerance, impatience and other countless vanities in our society these days. Main reason for our society's present turmoil is faulty Parenting by which we have created a society or people without ethics, civic sense, values, consideration for others and other virtues on which a progressive society is based.
Childhood isare like the foundation of a highrise building or roots of banyan tree. These have to be strong so that a strong society can be built. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Life has to be lived on long term not short. Hence instil good habits, ethical values, selflessness, generosity, kindness, consideration for others during childhood so that people have strong foundation of values which are totally missing in our society these days which is the root cause of individual and collective unrest and turmoil.
3. POSITIVITY: Nature has given us total negativity as birthday gift. Positivity has to be instilled, best done in childhood. But you are an adult. How best to cope up with inherent negativity at this stage? Be Positive, but how? What do you mean by Positivity?
Well, adopt an Attitude of Gratitude, to start with. Gratitude towards God, your parents, your family, teachers, society and country. Say 'Thank You' and make it your favourite word. Negativity in mostly insignificant small things like not appreciating anything good, always harping on bad or expecting bad to happen, blaming and criticizing as if there are rewards for that, habit of complaining and grumbling, losing temper, uncooperative attitude towards colleagues, being selfish and greedy, back-biting and umpteen such vanities which make us unpopular and unpleasant to be with. Maintain your dignity and grace. Be helpful and kind, say less,listen more. Do not compare with others and of course, have least expectations. You are decidedly towards an incredible goal called Positivity. You will find Positive people being liked and revered while negative, shunned.
4. PATIENCE: Patience is controlled behaviour, to remain calm and cool in difficult & unpleasant situations. World is full of provocations which leave us with two options, react or respond. When we react angrily, we expose ourselves, lose energy which could be better used to meet the challenge coolly with all the faculties at our command. However, when we respond positively, goodwill and well-being is generated, helping us to meet the same situation with poise. Patience may be bitter at times, but it's fruit is always sweet. Best life-long gift you can give to your children is 'being Patient with others'. Patience is an acquired virtue and home is the place where this virtue is leaned for lifelong effect.
5. PERSEVERANCE: Perseverance in Effort and Patience in wait will win the race. Perseverance is to keep trying. Try, try and try again and again, till you succeed. Never accept defeat and if you don't accept defeat, you are never defeated. Action only is in our hands, not the awards. So best is to detach your thoughts from results and concentrate 100% on action. Then only best action can be performed which produces best result. We became independent because one man was persistent in his effort for his goal, freedom for his country, India. Person was Mahatma Gandhi. But for his persistence, not only us but the whole world might have been slave of various empires. Nelsen Mendela. But for his non-violent war against apartheid, there would have been no freedom majority of its citizens in South Africa. 'Never give in, never, never, never,' as Winston Churchill used to say.
Source: Unknown
There are some things you simply never want to say at work.
These phrases carry special power: they have an uncanny ability to make you look bad even when the words are true.
Worst of all, there's no taking them back once they slip out.
I'm not talking about shocking slips of the tongue, off-color jokes, or politically incorrect faux pas. These aren't the only ways to make yourself look bad.
Often it's the subtle remarks—the ones that paint us as incompetent and unconfident—that do the most damage.
No matter how talented you are or what you've accomplished, there are certain phrases that instantly change the way people see you and can forever cast you in a negative light. These phrases are so loaded with negative implications that they undermine careers in short order.
"This is the way it's always been done." Technology-fueled change is happening so fast that even a six-month-old process could be outdated. Saying this is the way it's always been done not only makes you sound lazy and resistant to change, but it could make your boss wonder why you haven't tried to improve things on your own. If you really are doing things the way they've always been done, there's almost certainly a better way.
"It's not my fault." It's never a good idea to cast blame. Be accountable. If you had any role—no matter how small—in whatever went wrong, own it. If not, offer an objective, dispassionate explanation of what happened. Stick to the facts, and let your boss and colleagues draw their own conclusions about who's to blame. The moment you start pointing fingers is the moment people start seeing you as someone who lacks accountability for their actions. This makes people nervous. Some will avoid working with you altogether, and others will strike first and blame you when something goes wrong.
"I can't." I can't is it's not my fault's twisted sister. People don't like to hear I can't because they think it means I won't. Saying I can't suggests that you're not willing to do what it takes to get the job done. If you really can't do something because you truly lack the necessary skills, you need to offer an alternative solution. Instead of saying what you can't do, say what you can do. For example, instead of saying "I can't stay late tonight," say "I can come in early tomorrow morning. Will that work?" Instead of "I can't run those numbers," say "I don't yet know how to run that type of analysis. Is there someone who can show me so that I can do it on my own next time?"
"It's not fair." Everyone knows that life isn't fair. Saying it's not fair suggests that you think life is supposed to be fair, which makes you look immature and naïve. If you don't want to make yourself look bad, you need to stick to the facts, stay constructive, and leave your interpretation out of it. For instance, you could say, "I noticed that you assigned Ann that big project I was hoping for. Would you mind telling me what went into that decision? I'd like to know why you thought I wasn't a good fit, so that I can work on improving those skills."
"That's not in my job description." This often sarcastic phrase makes you sound as though you're only willing to do the bare minimum required to keep getting a paycheck, which is a bad thing if you like job security. If your boss asks you to do something that you feel is inappropriate for your position (as opposed to morally or ethically inappropriate), the best move is to complete the task eagerly. Later, schedule a conversation with your boss to discuss your role in the company and whether your job description needs an update. This ensures that you avoid looking petty. It also enables you and your boss to develop a long-term understanding of what you should and shouldn't be doing.
"This may be a silly idea …/I'm going to ask a stupid question." These overly passive phrases instantly erode your credibility. Even if you follow these phrases with a great idea, they suggest that you lack confidence, which makes the people you're speaking to lose confidence in you. Don't be your own worst critic. If you're not confident in what you're saying, no one else will be either. And, if you really don't know something, say, "I don't have that information right now, but I'll find out and get right back to you."
"I'll try." Just like the word think, try sounds tentative and suggests that you lack confidence in your ability to execute the task. Take full ownership of your capabilities. If you're asked to do something, either commit to doing it or offer an alternative, but don't say that you'll try because it sounds like you won't try all that hard.
"This will only take a minute." Saying that something only takes a minute undermines your skills and gives the impression that you rush through tasks. Unless you're literally going to complete the task in 60 seconds, feel free to say that it won't take long, but don't make it sound as though the task can be completed any sooner than it can actually be finished.
"I hate this job." The last thing anyone wants to hear at work is someone complaining about how much they hate their job. Doing so labels you as a negative person and brings down the morale of the group. Bosses are quick to catch on to naysayers who drag down morale, and they know that there are always enthusiastic replacements waiting just around the corner.
"He's lazy/incompetent/a jerk." There is no upside to making a disparaging remark about a colleague. If your remark is accurate, everybody already knows it, so there's no need to point it out. If your remark is inaccurate, you're the one who ends up looking like a jerk. There will always be rude or incompetent people in any workplace, and chances are that everyone knows who they are. If you don't have the power to help them improve or to fire them, then you have nothing to gain by broadcasting their ineptitude. Announcing your colleague's incompetence comes across as an insecure attempt to make you look better. Your callousness will inevitably come back to haunt you in the form of your coworkers' negative opinions of you.
Bringing It All Together
These phrases have a tendency to sneak up on you, so you're going to have to catch yourself until you've solidified the habit of not saying them.
Dr. Travis Bradberry is the award-winning co-author of the #1 bestselling book, Emotional Intelligence 2.0, and the cofounder of TalentSmart
Monday, 30 October 2023
உடல் சூட்டை தணிக்கும் ஐந்து உணவுகள்
கோடை காலம் மட்டுமின்றி, எல்லா பருவ நிலைகளிலும் நம்மை உடல் சூடு என்பது தாக்கும். பொதுவாகவே சிலருக்கு உடலில் சூடு அதிகரிக்கும். உடல் சூடு அதிகரிப்பினால் உடலில் பல பிரச்னைகள் உண்டாகின்றன. இதனால் உடலில் எடை இழப்பு, நோய் சம்பந்தமான பிரச்னைகள் போன்றவை ஏற்படும். மேலும், அதிக சோர்வு, சரும நோய்கள் உள்ளிட்டவையும் ஏற்படும். இதைத் தடுக்க சில பழங்களை சாப்பிடலாம். உடலில் நீர்ச்சத்தை அதிகரிக்கவும், அதை குறையாமல் பார்த்துக்கொள்ளவும் ஒருசில பழங்களும் காய்கறிகளும் உதவும்.

1.இளநீர்: இளநீர் சிறந்த இயற்கை பானமாகும். இரத்த ஓட்டத்தை அதிகரிக்கவும் நோயெதிர்ப்பு சக்தியை வலுபெற செய்யவும் இளநீர் உதவுகிறது. இளநீரில் பொட்டாசியம், மெக்னீசியம், கால்சியம் மற்றும் சோடியம் போன்ற அத்தியாவசிய தாதுக்கள் உள்ளன. இது வியர்வை மூலம் இழந்த எலக்ட்ரோலைட்டுகளை திரும்பப் பெற உதவுகிறது. இது உடற்பயிற்சிக்கு பின்னர் அல்லது வெப்பமான காலநிலையின் போது உடலில் மீண்டும் நீர்ச்சத்தை அதிகரிக்க உதவுகிறது. இதனால் உடல் சூடு தணியும்.

2.மோர்: தயிரில் இருந்து கடைந்து தயாரிக்கப்படும் மோர், உடல் சூட்டை தணிப்பதில் பெரும் பங்காற்றுகிறது. உடலின் மெட்டபாலிசத்தின் அளவை அதிகரித்து காலநிலை மாற்றத்தால் ஏற்படும் நோய் பாதிப்புகளை தடுக்கும். வைட்டமின்களை அதிகரிக்கவும் மோர் உதவுகிறது. உடல் சூட்டை தணித்து, உடலின் நீர்ச்சத்தின் அளவினை மோர் அதிகரிக்கும்.

3.வெள்ளரிக்காய்: வெள்ளரிக்காயில் ஃபைபர் சத்துக்கள் அதிகமாக உள்ளன. பி1, பி2, பி3, பி4, பி5 மற்றும் பி6 ஆகிய சத்துக்களையும் நோயெதிர்ப்பு சக்தியையும் வெள்ளரிக்காய் அதிகரிக்கும். மலச்சிக்கலை தவிர்க்கவும், உடலில் உள்ள கெட்ட அழுக்குகளை வெளியேற்றவும் வெள்ளரிக்காய் உதவுகிறது. வெயில் காலத்திலும் உடலின் நீர்ச்சத்தை குறையவிடாமல் பார்த்துக்கொள்ளும் உணவுகளுள் ஒன்று வெள்ளரிக்காய்.

4. சிட்ரஸ் பழங்கள்: சிட்ரஸ் வகை பழங்களை உடல் சூட்டை தணிக்கப் பயன்படுத்திக்கொள்ளலாம். சுவையான ஆரஞ்சு, லெமன், கிரேப் ஃப்ரூட் உள்ளிட்டவை இந்த சிட்ரஸ் பழ வகைகளுக்குள் அடங்கும். இந்த வகை பழங்களில் வைட்டமின் சி சத்துக்கள் அடங்கியுள்ளது. இது உடல் சூட்டினாலும் வெயிலினாலும் ஏற்படும் சரும பாதிப்புகளை தவிர்க்கும்.

5. தர்பூசணி: வெயில் காலத்தில் அதிகம் விற்கப்படும் பழங்களுள் ஒன்று தர்பூசணி. இதில் 90 சதவிகிதம் நீர்சத்து அடங்கியுள்ளது. வைட்டமின் ஏ, வைட்டமின் பி6 மற்றும் வைட்டமின் சி ஆகிய சத்துக்களும் இதில் அடங்கியுள்ளன. உடல் சூட்டை தணித்து சருமத்தை பாதுகாக்க தர்பூசணியை சாப்பிடலாம்.
1. The Other Minds
This book offers profound insights into the nature of consciousness and the remarkable intelligence of cephalopods.
2. The Art of Impossible
Explores the science and strategies behind peak performance, human potential, and extraordinary accomplishments.
3. Shape Learn how shapes and patterns can lead to profound insights across many disciplines by exploring the captivating world of geometry.
4. Spark
Describes how physical activity enhances cognitive abilities, improves mental health, and optimizes well-being.
5. Until The End of Time
Exploration of the nature of the universe, the origins of life, and how humans find meaning in the face of cosmic evolution.