Tuesday 10 October 2023

Confident people Vs. Insecure people

Confident people :

  • Opne minded,
  • Gives Compliments,
  • Willing to learn from other people,
  • Takes responsibility for Thoughts, Feelings, Actions, Results,
  • Operates on Principles,
  • Admits Mistakes,
  • Not afraid to show Flaws,
  • Positive thinker,
  • Risk taker,
  • Never talks negatives about others,
  • Abundance mindset giver,
  • Likes spending times with people,
  • Accepts Others differences,
  • Can laugh at themselves,
  • Makes decisions quickly,
  • Keeps Learning and Growing.

Insecure people :

  • Close minded,
  • Know it all,
  • Seeks validation,
  • Makes excuse for everything,
  • Do what feels good,
  • Blames others,
  • Comes off flaws because they hide flaws,
  • Negative thinker,
  • Stay in Comfort Zone,
  • Gossips,
  • Scarcity mindset taker,
  • Dislikes people,
  • Judgemental,
  • Worry what others will think,
  • Can't make decisions,
  • Stay stuck in Old ways and Bad Habits.

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