Monday 16 October 2023


Any Geetha is supposed to give summary of vedas which helps for self realisation, not used to superiority of any form.

There are many geethas said by different Gods giving knowledge.Geethas from God like Rama,Krishna,Shiva,Durga,Vinyaka etc..
Geetha from realised souls Agastya,Vasista,Asta vakra etc..

Only new aged schools / sampardayas with not strong scriptural knowledge had to use Bhagvadgeetha alone(or as frontline text) instead of vedas for promoting their ista forms,but the past jagatgurus used vedas to prove thier form as supreme

Because of Adi guru Shanakarcharya, who promoted Geetha of Mahabharata to even common householders as it in-detail about karma Yoga to save people of buddhists influence of going directly to sanyasa

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