Monday 9 October 2023


 Scariest things in the universe must be Rogue planets.

Rogue planets are the planets that have no Sun. These planets have been ejected from their solar system or they have never been a part of any solar system ever before. Such planets have no sunlight and there is a never ending night that prevails at all times. Absence of light means extremely low to no chance of any kind of life to be able to survive on it. Such planets wander in the interstellar or the intergalactic space and there is almost no chance that they will ever come even in visual contact with any other object.

Such planets are extremely hard to spot from Earth, even with the most advanced telescopes. Although it is assumed that our galaxy must have billions of rogue planets, but their loneliness is scary. These planets are also called nomads, orphans, sunless, unbound, starless, etc.

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