Thursday 12 October 2023



  • Health is all you have.
  • There will be no one applauding you for your hard work.
  • You get to know what people are really like once you go through a tough time.
  • Money, power and looks will not matter in the long run. We’re all going to be old, seeing grey, seeing things differently one day.
  • Your parents are growing old and need you to take care of them. Don’t forget.
  • Not everyone is going to have a huge success story and that is okay.
  • You will experience many failures. What matters is how you get up, not what happened to you.
  • Life is tough. You can be high on life one second and losing everything the next second. Always be prepared.
  • Try to stay open to life and not get bitter. Bitterness is poison to the soul. We are all meant to live a good life, whether you believe in it or not.

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