Sunday 8 October 2023



1. Lifestyle Creep:

You make more money, but you also spend more. Every time your pay increases,

you try to buy a nicer car, watch, or house. You will never be wealthy if your expenses rise in direct proportion to your income.

2. Budgeting:

Your spending is impulsive, and you don't keep track of your money.

You will NOT become rich if you don't respect your purchases. Spend every penny carefully, regardless of how much you have.

3. You don't ask the right questions:

In the modern world, there are countless ways to learn about money and how to acquire it. If you are still poor, you are focusing on the wrong things.

Start with the basics:

- Learn how money works.

- Learn how banks operate. Go from there.

4. You hang out with losers:

I don't care how much grit you have. If you constantly surround yourself with people without ambition, it will affect you negatively. Have friends who:

- You can talk business with.

- Push you to your limits.

- Are not wasting their time.

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