Tuesday 19 December 2023


 20 Dead-simple rules for living a better life:

1. Live as if you’ve died and come back.

2. Practice daily gratitude to appreciate the positive aspects of your life.

3. Take care of your body, you only get one.

4. Anything that costs your mental health is too expensive.

5. Spend more time with loved ones + build meaningful relationships.

6. Always keep learning. It’s the only way to evolve into a better version of yourself.

7. Set clear goals to give your life direction and purpose.

8. It’s good to have goals, but don’t ignore the present moment.

9. Play the long game. Your daily actions will compound.

10. Waste no time worrying about other people’s opinions.

11. Focus only on the things that are within your control.

12. You’re never going to be perfect. You’re human, aim for progress.

13. Seek out hard things. We need to be challenged to be happy and fulfilled.

14. Give more than you take.

15. Never lose your inner child: maintain a sense of curiosity, imagination, and playfulness.

16. Don’t believe everything you read. The news is designed to take advantage of human psychological weaknesses.

17. Get outside more often.

18. Leave your comfort zone. You’ll learn and grow from new experiences.

19. Leave the victim mindset. Nobody likes complainers.

20. Let go of regrets. The past should be a learning experience, not an everlasting punishment.

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