Tuesday 12 December 2023


TThe Earth did not originate from the Sun or any other star. Its formation is instead linked to the existence of a vast cloud of gas and dust known as a protoplanetary disk.

a proplanetary disk

Within this disk, gravity caused tiny dust particles to clump together, forming small, rocky objects called planetesimals. Over millions of years, these planetesimals collided and merged, progressively forming larger bodies called protoplanets. Through numerous collisions and mergers, these protoplanets eventually coalesced into the planets we see today, including Earth. The Sun itself formed at the center of this protoplanetary disk, acting as a gravitational force that dictated the movement of the surrounding material. The remaining matter, including the building blocks of Earth, orbited the Sun and ultimately formed our planet.

Therefore, Earth's origin lies not in the direct creation of the Sun or another star, but rather in the complex and fascinating process of protoplanetary disk evolution.

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