Thursday 7 December 2023



  • We are actually made of ‘star dust’. 93% of the human body is made of atoms fused in stars and supernovae. The death of stars gives rise to life.
  • Within next 50 years, you will see a supernova explosion in our Galaxy. It might be much bright to be seen even at day time
  • Only about 0.0000000000000000000042% of the universe contains any matter. The universe is a pretty empty place.
  • 95% of the universe is still mystery. Humans and our instruments are made of normal matter and energy. It can only see about 5 percent of the the universe. The rest is made up of unknown cause of gravity (called dark matter) and a mysterious form of energy known as dark energy.
  • 862 years from now, Asteroid 950-DA may hit Earth & wipe out Humanity. 50,000 years from now, new ICE AGE will begin. 4 Billion years from now our galaxy will collide with Andromeda Galaxy
  • Earth is not the most habitable planet discovered in the Universe. According to an index developed in 2015, Kepler-442b, a rocky exoplanet 1,206 light years from Earth and orbiting its star's habitable zone, has a rating of 0.836. Earth is at 0.829.
  • There's a type of neutron star called a 'Magnetar' which has a magnetic field that's so powerful that being within 1,000 miles of one would warp all the atoms in your body and from a distance of 100,000 miles away it would be able to wipe out the data of every credit card on the planet.
  • Jupiter doesn't orbit the Sun. It is so massive that both Jupiter & Sun orbit around a common point that lies outside the Sun known as the "barycenter".
  • There's a highway in Space called the Interplanetary Superhighway, it is used to send spacecrafts around the solar system with least resistance using gravity.
  • We are made of atoms, so a scientist studying atoms is actually a group of atoms studying themselves
  • On Mars, a human weighs only 37% of what they do on Earth
  • Mount Olympus Mons (Mars) is the tallest mountain ever discovered in our solar system since 1971. It is 3 times taller than Mount Everest and is approximately 21.9 km high.
  • The sun may be older than the earth, but the water we drink is older than the sun.
  • 10^19 billion electron volts. At this energy, it is theorized that the fabric of space-time will finally tear, creating tiny portals that might lead to other universes, or other points in space-time.
  • When some people picture the Sun, they imagine something like a campfire or an object on fire. But the Sun is actually a ball of gas. Every second 700 million tons of hydrogen gets converted into 695 million tons of helium. When this happens, energy is released as gamma rays, which get converted to light. So, the Sun emits light and heat, but it's not on fire, because there's no oxygen involved.
  • You are as old as the Universe, because matter can't be created or destroyed. In the deepest level, you are the Universe experiencing itself.

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