Thursday 23 March 2023


 Why do smart people tend to be quiet?

So, you might be wondering why smart people are often so quiet. And I'll tell you, it's because they're usually too busy thinking to waste their breath on small talk! These folks are the type who like to ponder life's big questions, analyze the world around them, and come up with clever solutions to complex problems. They might be deep thinkers who are always observing and reflecting on what's going on around them.

That being said, smart people can also be their own worst critics. They might worry that their ideas aren't good enough or that they'll sound like a know-it-all if they speak up too much. And let's be real, nobody wants to be that person at the party who's always dominating the conversation with their "brilliant" insights.

But just because someone is quiet doesn't mean they're not smart or confident. In fact, some of the smartest people I know are also some of the most introverted and introspective folks out there. They might not be the life of the party, but they sure do have a lot of interesting ideas and insights to share if you give them a chance.

So, whether you're the type who likes to chat up a storm or prefers to keep to yourself, remember that everyone has their own unique communication style. And just because someone is quiet doesn't mean they're less intelligent or less capable. So, let's all embrace our own unique personalities and communication styles, and celebrate the fact that we're all smart in our own special way!       

                Thanks  Quora

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