Wednesday 14 June 2023



Bay Leaves Medicinal Value: Bay leaves is such a spice which is used in almost every household in India. This increases the taste of food, but are you aware of its medicinal properties. Bay leaves can be used to cure many diseases. It contains important nutrients like potassium, copper, manganese, zinc, calcium, iron and magnesium which are beneficial for the body. Let us know in which diseases this spice can give relief.


Beneficial for mental health

Very few people know that bay leaf is very beneficial for mental health, if you are surrounded by tension due to many reasons, take 2 leaves and burn them before sleeping at night and keep them in your room. Smelling its smoke will relieve stress.


Breathing problem will be less

If you have breathing problems, then definitely take bay leaves. Boil water and bay leaves in a vessel. Then soak a cloth with this water and keep it on the chest, by doing this the problem of breathing will go away.


Relieve fatigue

If you have a lot of fatigue, then use bay leaves because it is romantic. By taking aromatherapy, the body becomes relaxed, due to which the body gets a lot of rest."


Effective in diabetes

Bay leaf is no less than a medicine for the patients of Type 2 Diabetes. Its intake reduces the level of bad cholesterol, glucose and triglyceride in the blood. Those who have diabetes should grind its leaves and make powder and eat it for a month. Your blood sugar level will be under control.


Protection against infection

Bay leaf protects us from many infections. You can drink it as a decoction to prevent diseases like cold, cold, flu.

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