Thursday 28 September 2023



1. LEARN to be silent in times of greatest turmoil: Peace of mind and patience are your best allies during crises. Conquering these attributes is part of your spiritual evolution.

2. AVOID judging other people: your perception of the outside world is part of your inner world. When you speak ill of others, you are speaking ill of yourself. You hurt them and you hurt yourself. So love them and love yourself.

3. FOCUS your attention on the things you love most: What you resist persists. If you focus on the negative, you will make it grow. If you focus on the positive, you will also grow. So what do you choose ?

4. KEEP QUIET. It's not that it's bad to fight, but remember it's just a test: You're paying off old debts or the consequences of old actions. So breathe in, accept and let it flow. The more you remain calm and receptive, the clearer your karma.

5. HAVE HOPE, what seems real is just a bad thought product of your imagination. Change it! Thoughts are things. Reality is created by your thinking and collective thinking. Change your mind and you will change your reality.

6. FORGIVE, LET GO AND RELEASE: It may be difficult, but it is necessary. These negative feelings are what sustain the cycle of karma. Someone has to break, start doing!

7. ALWAYS SPEAK POSITIVELY: Words also form reality, both yours and others. Be careful what you say, be positive and affirmative and choose each word very well.

8. MEDITATE AT LEAST ONCE A DAY (5 minutes would be a good start): This is the best way to calm your mind and get in touch with your spiritual being.

9. VISUALIZE PLEASANT SITUATIONS FOR YOU AND ALL YOUR LOVED ONES: What exists in your mind will manifest into your reality. Create that reality for yourself and your loved ones, you will be creating happiness and adding dharma.


~Alpha Clan X

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