Tuesday 21 November 2023


What is the essence of Mandukya Upanishad? What does a hibernating frog to do with,

the thinking mechanism of the conscious mind?

A thought has two components.

  1. Perception-movement component: Materialistic way of life is based on this. In this the perception-movement component generates the power needed. We select a mobile phone first and then start thinking how to get the money needed. We may have to use the money spent for many other purposes also.
  2. Power supply component: Scriptures are based on this only. In this the available power is distributed to all purposes and the power available determines the perception-movement component. We first find out how much money we have to buy a mobile phone, and this determined what mobile phone we are going to buy.

Mandukya Upanishad is about this power distribution only. However, we keep earning and spending continuously and we can’t know how much money we have for every purpose. Therefore, to correctly distribute our income among all purposes, we must start earning and start spending. However, even when we stop earning and spending money keeps coming and going. There we have to stop both earning and spending completely.

In our conscious mind our thoughts would be in four different levels. Thoughts at higher level are more realistic and get more power. Thoughts at lower levels are just meant to make our life worth living.

Our plan of buying a Bugatti car gets barely any power, because it is absolutely unrealistic.

The power supplies of thoughts at reduced to zero in four different stages.

In the final stage all thoughts are in Nirguna Brahman stage. All thoughts are equally important, and the available power is distributed among all thoughts, depending on their importance.

It must be mentioned here that even the Nasadiya Sukta is also about the same stage of absolute rest and the starting point.

Turiya state of Nirguna Brahman is part of Indra.

In Rig Veda, the maximum number of Suktas, out of the 1028, are dedicated to three devas: Indra-289, Agni-214 and Soma-125.

Indra is the starting point; Agni is used to study the thinking mechanism in a controlled way. Soma is the power booster.

Nirguna Brahman is also the barrier between our conscious and subconscious mind, and it plays a vital role in spirituality without religion.

It is this barrier that one has to cross to become spiritually awakened.

For a person, who has Rig Vedic Enlightenment, can know the whole of the subconscious mind in his very first entry into the subconscious mind. He will not have the dark night of the soul.

It must be made clear that Madukya Upanishad is just about Nirguna Brahman, who is a tiny part of Brahman and not the whole of Brahman.

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