Tuesday 21 November 2023


You have two choices: control your mind or let it control you. ~ Buddha

Here are 7 ways to improve your focus:-

  1. Turn-off distractions: Whether they are notifications or other people bugging you, find a way to turn it off. You can’t expect your brain to focus if Billy is constantly messaging you.
  2. Don’t multitask: We can only focus on one thing at a time. let’s give our brains a break, shall we?
  3. Posture control: If you are slouching that’s going to make you feel lazy. If you are sitting straight you are going to be more attentive. Check your posture daily.
  4. Be active: If you don’t exercise you are always going to be slow and sluggish. How can you intend to focus in a state like that?
  5. Goal oriented: When you are working on something, instead of focusing on the hours put in focus on what you want to get done.
  6. Read: Building a reading habit can do wonders for your attention span. It’s better than binging tv-shows. Whether it’s fiction or self-help start reading.
  7. Meditate: Yes, I said it. What better way to improve your focus than daily practicing it and using a technique that people have been using for 1000’s of years?

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