Saturday 18 November 2023


  1. The Work-Week - If you want to grow then grow outside your regular work hours. Do not limit your effort to the 9–5 only.
  2. Sleep Routines - You do what you need to do, when you do it. It does not matter whether that is at 4 a.m. or 9 p.m. Get your 8 hours of sleep sometime in the day. The rest is up to you. Stop limiting yourself by when you should and should not sleep.
  3. One Solution - There is always another way. Do not stop when you hear ‘No’ and just find another way. It may be a bit longer, more complicated or not as easy, but just because you do not succeed with the first try does not mean it is over.
  4. Feel-Good Emotions Only - Negative emotions are a huge aid to our growth if we allow ourselves to feel them. They teach us what not to do, put the positive emotions in a better perspective, and train us to feel more strongly. Without the negatives, the positives will diminish.
  5. Winging It - Schedules are not limiting. They are freeing. With a schedule you can design your day the way you want it to be. Without this as a guide you will likely waste a large majority of your day.
  6. Comfort Food - You know how limiting it is without me explaining why. Eat healthy.
  7. No Sex-Life - Somehow it was accepted that Sex would stop once married. Because of this belief you limit your growth and a lot of the passion the relationship. Talk things through with your partner, get to know the others body better, and learn to make Sex fun again.
  8. Holidays & Sundays Are For Rest - This belief is the one that makes people quit their habits. They only work on them Monday through Saturday and skip holidays because they ‘deserve a break’. And while that’s true, breaking a streak because of such a day causes much more harm than one thinks.
  9. Wrong Persistence - Persistence is not hitting your head against a wall until either your head or the wall breaks. It is knowing you want to get to the other side of the wall and finding a way there. If you cannot break it with your head you grab a hammer, if that doesn’t work you give up on the hammer and find a different tool. You persist until you are behind the wall. How you get there does not matter.
  10. Riding Solo - When your body feels ill you go see a doctor. It does not matter how big of a thing it is, if you are unwell you seek help. Why do you not do the same when your relationships are not going well? Why do you not find someone to help you with your mindset? Why do you keep going at all of life alone when you don’t need to?

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