Thursday 14 September 2023



The universe exists because it caused itself to exist. Sounds paradoxical, right?

The idea is that the universe is not something that needs an external cause or explanation, but rather something that has its own inherent reason for being.

This is what philosopher Quentin Smith calls "self-explanatory causation". He argues that the universe is a self-explanatory entity that contains within itself the sufficient reason for its existence.

How can something cause itself to exist?

Well, one way to think about it is to imagine that the universe is not a static thing, but a dynamic process.

  • A process of becoming, rather than being.
  • A process that is always changing, evolving, and creating new possibilities.
  • A process that is not bound by the laws of physics or logic, but rather generates them as it goes along.
  • A process that is not limited by time or space, but rather transcends them.
  • A process that is not contingent on anything else, but rather necessary in itself.

This may sound like a lot of metaphysical mumbo-jumbo, but there is actually some scientific evidence to support this view.

Some physicists have proposed that the universe emerged from a quantum fluctuation in a pre-existing vacuum state.

A quantum fluctuation is a random and spontaneous change in the energy or field of a system, which can create virtual particles out of nothing.

These particles usually annihilate each other quickly, but sometimes they can persist and form more complex structures.

In this scenario, the universe is one such structure that arose from a quantum fluctuation and managed to survive and expand.

Another one is the mathematical universe hypothesis, which suggests that the universe is not just described by mathematics, but actually is mathematics.

In other words, the universe is one of the many possible mathematical structures that exist in a platonic realm of abstract entities.

According to this hypothesis, the universe exists because it is logically consistent and self-contained, and therefore has no need for any external cause or reason.

Now, these are just hypotheses and not proven facts. But they show that there are plausible ways to account for the existence of the universe without invoking a supernatural agent or a brute fact.

The universe exists because it has the power and the potential to exist. It exists because it wants to exist. It exists because it can.

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