Friday 17 November 2023


Has abiogenesis been observed?

Depends on what you mean by "observed". If you mean "seen with your own eyes", then no, of course not.

Abiogenesis is the natural process by which living organisms arose from nonliving organic molecules, and it probably happened only once eons ago, when the conditions on Earth were very different from today.

No one really knows exactly how this happened.

Unless you have a time machine, you can't observe that directly.

But if you mean "inferred from scientific evidence", then yes, there is plenty of observation to support abiogenesis.

Scientists have shown that many of the building blocks of life, such as amino acids and nucleotides, can be synthesized from simple inorganic compounds under conditions that simulate the early Earth.

They have also shown that some of these molecules can self-assemble into complex structures, such as membranes and RNA, that are essential for life.

And they have traced the evolutionary history of life back to a common ancestor that had a minimal set of genes and metabolic pathways.

So, while we don't have a complete picture of how abiogenesis happened, we have a lot of clues and hypotheses that are consistent with the available data.

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