Sunday 8 September 2013


Here is a good piece of article regarding Azim Premji's view on change.

Truly enlightening stuff. Azim Premji (The man who own's wipro) on change.

"Not that we don't know this. but, never the less"

Just to summarize his thoughts

The Lessons on change.

1. "Be alert for the first signs of change."
2. "Anticipate change even when things are going right."
3. "Always look at the opportunities that change represents."
4. "Do not allow routines to become chains."
5. "Realize that fear of the unknown is natural."
6. "Keep renewing yourself."
7. "Surround yourself with people who are open to change."
8. "Play to win..!!"
9. "Respect yourself. The world will reward you on your successes."
10. "Never change: your core values."
11. "We must remember that succeeding in a changing world is beyond just surviving."

"Change is the Only thing that will Never change. So better adapt to it." 

"Change is Universal.

Change is Permanent..

Be ever willing to Change...

For, change alone leads you to Success and happiness!!!" 

"If one desires a change, one must be that change before that change can take place"

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