Wednesday 4 September 2013


Every person is born as a different individual and with a behavior distinct to himself.An impatient is quite so common personality often known as short tempered or easily-angered.

Patience is a gift of god if we have it in our nature. But there is a lot about patience in life.There is a quote saying "God is with the patient" and life gives many chances to believe it is true.

There's something that we should have now,but there's also something that we shouldnt. Theres an event that should take place now but at times there's an event that shouldnt. Theres something that we could do now but there's also something that we couldn't.

There's a period that we think we can but there's also certain period we think we cant.There are times when we feel so happybut there must be times when we feel so sad.

There're so many great things in store for us, if we believe that some day we might get them, if not now then. When you ask me?It may come to you later in life, perhaps in few years' time May be a couple of months, could be just few days or even tomorrow Possibly in few hours' time or within seconds! ".

The patience to wait, the patience to listen, patience to withstand, the patience to suppress.It comes as a test in different aspects of our life. As you find it you can see how it brings a positive attitude in life, the outcome is a more happy heart,less stressful life, more passionate love etc.

Every single thing happens for a reason. But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But GOD knows, what is best for you, and you know not.

Patience has to be practiced in life. It is a golden branch in the faith tree.It builds up a good personality in you and makes life easier and lot happier!

Patience is the key and always have faith in god,The Most Gracious and the Most Merciful good god.

Last but not least

The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it open.

Arnold Glasglow

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