Tuesday 12 September 2023


 University, they graded you on a BELL CURVE. Where you on the top 10% or the bottom 20%.

I ask the same question to my accountant, my lawyer and the bureaucrats in my City. It’s amazing the number of professionals that barely got pass the mid point of the BELL CURVE.

Now, I have to ask, am I getting the best information from my Doctor, Accountant, etc. With this many mediocre professions, this is a good reason why an AI is necessary. An AI is on top of current information throughout the world. A new cancer drug in Russia, an AI would know! It could save your life.

An available AI assistant for a Doctor would be a great tool, especially in over capacity hospitals. . For an accountant, well… Do I really need an accountant? There’s some new Accounting AI coming up that’s available 24/7. This could be a tool for me and it’s much more proficient. I certainly would not have to wait forever in my accountants office.

AI will replace most bureaucrats, tax accountants, land title lawyers, your bank tellers, we’ve all see the tellers disappear at Walmart…. right! OH I forgot AI is real good at writing, code and graphics.

So, you’ve spent $80,000 on your education and within the next 10 years an AI will replace you. Not only that, an AI has much more knowledge, never takes vacations and does your job in less time. In fact, takes only few minutes to do want was taking you over an 1 hour. Second Coffee Shop will miss you!

80% of the people do not see the writing on the wall. They’ll have a huge student loan and be unemployed. People think it will not happen to them…. ask the teller people at Walmart, where are they today. Where are all the people at Sears, where are they? Where will the truck drivers, once Telsa finally build driverless truck.

To succeed in life, you need to see the road ahead. Most people look in the rear view mirror. If you want to be successful… look ahead. Tell me what you see… will your job last 10 years or will you be unemployed. What do you see?

I was thinking, no one has invented a GPS for Life… you know, when the GPS says “ You Have Arrived at YOUR Destination”.

…. we all end up somewhere in our lives, between the proverbial “a hard place and a rock…..”

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